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Please try refreshing the cache on the webpage. To do this, press Ctrl-F5. If that does not work, then please try opening the order in an incognito window (Shift-Ctrl-n) . For MAC users on Safari, you can use [CMD] + [ALT] + [E]
Make sure your app has access to the microphone on your device. Many people skip this step and do not give the app access to the microphone on their device and cannot get sync.
Make sure the Sporter display shows PHON on the display. That means that the display sees the XFR cable.
You must have shots on the display in order to get a sync. No shot means no data which means no sync.
Make sure that your volume switches are all set to unmute. Externally and internal volume must all be off mute. Have your volume maxed out and then take it down two to three clicks from max and try to get a sync.
Put the phone into airplane mode.
Lastly, if you have a protective case on your device, make sure it is not impeding the full insertion of the Brick jack into the phone.