If you are getting to the 4 dashes but not getting any readings or error 2 or 5 messages (or any error with number message); then it is possible that you have the sensitivity setting not adjusted or the vertical alignment. Vertical distance or the space between the bullet flight path and the top of the sensor deck needs to be between .125" and .375". The recommended .25" is optimal. One of the two rubber V block pads should get you between that threshold if your barrel is between .5" and 1" in diameter. The horizontal spacing (the space between the end of your rifle and the beginning of the flat portion of the sensor deck) needs to be between 1" to 1.5" If you are shooting .30cal and larger; start with a setting of REG (regular). If you are shooting .30cal down to .223, start with REG and then try HI 1. If you are shooting .223 and smaller, start with HI 1, but you will most likely need to use HI 2 for smaller calibers like .22lr. A chart and additional information are on this link: Chart If confirming spacing and sensitivity settings doesn't work, please contact Email